Social Media Platforms to Leverage
One of the most popular and overused marketing phrases is the good old, “One size fits all,” line. When it comes to social media marketing, there is no such thing as an all-encompassing size. The fact is social based advertising must be highly tailored in order to produce effective results. This is why hiring social media marketing companies is such a hot topic. Agencies offer a custom tailored approach to your social channels. And these companies know that there are currently seven networks you will want to leverage.
Pinterest & Image-Based Networks
The Social Media Examiner presented a case study on how Constant Contact has leveraged Pinterest for B2B marketing. The study reflects the fact that Pinterest and image-based social networks are more than customer connection tools; they play a role in the B2B world. While creating and promoting content for these networks can be tricky, it’s worth leveraging.
YouTube, Vine & Video Networks
Videos offer a unique customer connection medium. The fact is people are busy. Sometimes they just don’t have time to read your content. Hand them a three to five minute video, and they’re likely to respond. An experienced agency can help you choose the best video topics and lengths to target specific prospective clients.
The LinkedIn Network
It’s the Mack daddy network for business-focused social media marketers. Too many businesses create a profile, make connections, and stop there. LinkedIn offers a variety of tools from content publication to a LinkedIn persona strategy.
Good Ol’ Twitter & Facebook
Twitter and Facebook are social media titans. There is no denying that creating an attractive presence on these giant networks hands you access to a potentially enormous audience. Social media marketing companies can really help maximize your presence on these networks. The trick is to prioritize updates that are packed with value and highly customer-focused. It’s also important to connect to the broader conversations trending on these networks whenever possible for maximum exposure.
Niche Networks
Although niche networks tend to be smaller, they have extremely active communities. The opportunity to dip into a highly qualified lead pool is unrivaled. According to Search Engine Land, no B2B social strategy is complete without some niche social networking.
Google Plus
Google’s social network hands you search engine optimization and social media in one neatly wrapped package. Since Matt Cutts’ confirmed that Twitter and Facebook signals don’t contribute to SEO directly, many have seen G+ as a stronger SEO option. When using this channel, pay attention to leveraging Google Authorship, using hangouts, and exploring communities.
Location-Based Networks
Social media marketing companies and top SEO companies in and around West Palm Beach know that location-based networks aren’t going away. In fact, they’re powerful social media tools for local businesses. If your business offers B2B services on a local level (such as accounting or commercial services), your local presence is critical. It’s location-based networks, like FourSquare, that will give your business an extra edge.